Peer Reviewers

Articles submitted to Ascarya: The Journal of Islamic Science, Culture, and Social Studies  underwent a rigorous double-blind peer review process. The Editor-in-Chief (EIC) and Associate Editors (AEs) play key roles in managing the process to ensure high-quality and ethical scholarships. All stakeholders, including publishers, editors, reviewers, and authors, must adhere to the ethical standards outlined in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) core practices. Detailed policies can be found in the published ethics guidelines.

Guidelines for Authors

Submission to Publishing Process

  1. Submission
    • Submit your manuscript via the Ascarya Online Journal System (OJS).
    • Ensure compliance with the journal's formatting and submission guidelines.
  2. Initial Check by the EIC
    • The EIC reviewed the manuscript to determine its thematic relevance, scientific merit, and compliance with submission standards.
    • Manuscripts that do not meet these criteria are returned to the authors for revision or rejection.
    • If the manuscript meets the initial criteria, the EIC assigns it to an appropriate AE based on the subject’s expertise.
  3. Peer Review Process Managed by AE
    • AE oversees the peer review process, appointing at least two qualified reviewers with expertise relevant to the manuscript.
    • The reviewers evaluated the manuscript and provided detailed feedback through a structured review.
    • AE ensures that the review process adheres to the journal's ethical guidelines and timelines.
  4. Review Decisions by EIC and AE
    • The EIC makes one of the following decisions based on reviewer feedback and AE recommendations.
      • Accepted (Minor Revisions)
      • Accepted (Major Revisions)
      • Rejected
    • The authors will receive consolidated feedback, including detailed comments from reviewers and editorial suggestions for improvement.
  5. Revisions Managed by AE
    • The authors revised the manuscript based on the feedback provided.
    • The revised manuscript and a Change Note outlining the responses to the reviewer comments must be submitted.
    • The AE reviews the revisions for completeness and quality, providing additional feedback if necessary.
  6. Final Decision by EIC
    • The EIC conducted a final review of the revised manuscript and AE recommendations.
    • Once all the requirements were met, the EIC approved the manuscript for publication.
  7. Publication
    • Accepted manuscripts proceed to production including layout editing, language polishing, and DOI assignment.

Guidelines for Reviewers

Step-by-Step Review Process

  1. Sign in to the Ascarya Review System
    • The link is followed by the Peer Review Request email.
    • Log in using your account credentials.
  2. Download the Manuscript for Review
    • Navigate the  document  tab in the review system.
    • Download of the manuscript.
  3. Conduct the Review and Complete the Peer Review Form
    • Confirm or decline review requests.
    • Conduct a thorough evaluation of the manuscript, considering its quality, methodology, and alignment with the journal’s scope.
    • Provide constructive feedback in each section of the review form.
  4. Submit the Completed Peer Review Form
    • Submit your review through the  peer review form in  tab.
    • The AE will evaluate your review and request revisions if necessary.

Ethical Standards for Reviewers

  • Respect confidentiality and adhere to the double-blinded review process.
  • Ensure that the feedback is respectful, constructive, and aimed at improving the manuscript.
  • There are no potential conflicts of interest to the AE or EIC.

Recognition for Reviewers

  • Reviewers completing six reviews per year received acknowledgment and a certificate of appreciation.
  • The EIC and AEs rate reviews for their thoroughness and helpfulness, encouraging continuous improvement in feedback quality.
  • Consistently, highly rated reviewers may be invited to join a journal’s editorial board.